SB 1192, An Act Concerning Hospital Financial Assistance


Monday, February 3, 2025

The Connecticut Hospital Association (CHA) appreciates this opportunity to submit testimony concerning SB 1192, An Act Concerning Hospital Financial Assistance. CHA supports the bill.

Connecticut hospitals and health systems care for patients, strengthen the state’s economy, and support vulnerable communities across the state. Every day, they work to improve healthcare access, affordability, and health equity. Even as they face ongoing challenges, hospitals provide world-class care to everyone who walks through their doors, regardless of their ability to pay. Hospitals also support an exemplary workforce as the largest collective employer in the state, contribute significantly to the state’s economy, and invest in their communities addressing social drivers of health.

Connecticut hospitals strive to ensure that the inability to pay for services does not deter anyone from seeking needed medical care. It is why they work hard to ensure that their financial assistance policies are applied to all those who are eligible and to connect eligible, uninsured patients with a regular source of health insurance coverage.

Connecticut hospitals have some of the most expansive financial assistance policies in the nation, in some instances providing assistance to individuals and families up to 550% of the federal poverty level – that means an individual making approximately $83,000 a year may qualify for discounted care. Additionally, even prior to the state law enacted last year, Connecticut hospitals did not report medical debt to credit reporting agencies and have long supported current law that protects individuals’ homes and wages if they have healthcare debt.

Most recently, Connecticut hospitals have been working with the Lamont administration and Undue Medical Debt to identify and erase medical debt for thousands of Connecticut residents.

We support SB 1192 because it advances the work already under way. If enacted, the legislation will provide for one location where patients can find information on individual hospital financial assistance policies; helpful tools and assistance from the Office of the Healthcare Advocate; and potentially additional information on the partnership between the Lamont administration, Undue Medical Debt, and hospitals to eliminate medical debt. CHA worked closely with lawmakers and advocates last session on the language of SB 1192 and we were disappointed that while it was adopted by the House of Representatives it did not get over the finish line in the Senate. We look forward to the opportunity to again work collaboratively to see this legislation adopted.

Thank you for your consideration of our position. For additional information, contact CHA Government Relations at (203) 294-7301.