Uniform Health Facilities Discharge Data Set

Uniform Health Facilities Discharge Data Set
The New Hampshire Hospital Association along with our subcontractor, the Connecticut Hospital Association (CHA), are contracted to collect and process New Hampshire hospital discharge data for the NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Administrative Rule He-C 1501 “Data Submission of Health Care Facility Discharge Data” governs the submission details of the UHFDDS system and was updated as of April 15, 2022. Click here to access the updated rule.
To access New Hampshire UHFDDS, make sure you have set up your CHA Account on this website.
1. Click “Member Login” at the top of the website menu (teal button).
2. You will be redirected to a log on page where you may click on “Create an account.”
3. Use your email address associated with your NH UHFDDS user account and create your CHA account.
4. Once logged in, you will be redirected to this webpage and will see a NH UHFDDS button at the top of the menu (blue button). Click the NH UHFDDS button to complete setting up your two factor authentication.
1. Once you have completed the above steps to set up your CHA Account, you may access NH UHFDDS by clicking the Access NH UHFDDS button above, or by clicking here. You may bookmark this page.
2. Enter your login information and complete your two-factor-authentication to access NH UHFDDS.
Additional information is available on the New Hampshire Hospital Association website.
If you do not currently have access to NH UHDDS you may click here to download the Access Authorization Form.
UHFDDS Instructions:
The Data Management System has been made possible in part by the NH Department of Health and Human Services, the NH Insurance Department and the NH Hospital Association.