Hospital/Health System |
Program |
Program Description |
Backus/Windham Hospitals |
Diaper Connections |
From November ’22 – October ‘23, The Diaper Connections Program, facilitated by Windham Hospital’s Women’s Health Center, provided hundred of families with services tallying over 10,000 diapers for their infants and toddlers, followed by a referral to Willi Wellness for ongoing distribution and services regardless of their involvement with Windham Hospital. |
Bridgeport Hospital |
Family Bridge |
A state pilot program, led by several of Connecticut’s health and human services agencies, providing at-home nurse and community health worker visits to the families of newborn babies. |
Bridgeport Hospital |
Child First Greater Bridgeport Program |
A trauma-informed home visiting intervention for pregnant individuals and young children (ages birth through 5 years) and their families living in the Greater Bridgeport area. |
Bristol Health |
Birth Basics |
Bristol Health’s Birth Basics program is a three-hour course that educates expectant parents on the labor and delivery process, including c-sections, inductions, and the immediate postpartum period. |
Bristol Health |
Breastfeeding Basics |
Bristol Hospital supports maternal and child health through childbirth education and breastfeeding programs, including a comprehensive two-hour Breastfeeding Basics course that empowers expectant parents with the knowledge and confidence to provide human milk through nursing or pumping. |
Bristol Health |
Newborn Basics |
Bristol Hospital supports maternal and child health through providing newborn care programs, empowering expectant parents with essential knowledge and skills for childbirth, postpartum care, and newborn care to ensure confidence and safety. |
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital |
Latina Maternal Health Program- Baby and Me Support Group |
This is a Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging Council special project that addresses the inequities in prenatal care among the Latina population. |
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital |
CHH Diaper Connections |
The Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Diaper Connection addresses diaper insecurity and diaper needs for our labor and delivery patients and community members by providing free monthly diapers. |
Connecticut Children’s |
Connecticut Children’s Primary Care East and West locations |
Connecticut Children’s Primary Care East and West locations maintains a high level of quality in service delivery, and ensuring that patients and families remain at the center of all care. |
Danbury Hospital |
Diaper Distribution Program |
Diapers distributed to families in need at hospital discharge with referral to outpatient/community partners for monthly distribution thereafter. |
Maternity Care and Family Planning Center |
Provides prenatal and postpartum care along with GYN/Family Planning care to uninsured and insured women. |
Maternity Care and Family Planning Center |
Screening periodically for depression done for all prenatal/postpartum women. Interventions initiated as needed. |
Greenwich Hospital |
My First Book Program |
Free book to promote maternal/child bonding, and reading literacy (On the Night You Were Born) English & Spanish |
Griffin Health |
Provide services and resources to mothers and families in the Valley to improve the health of expectant mothers, new mothers and infants |
Provide services that are designed around injury prevention and promote maternal/infant health in the Valley |
Griffin Health |
Provide free education classes on a variety of maternal topics |
Classes include, breastfeeding for beginners, newborn care class, post-partum support, social and family support training, labor preparation |
Hartford Hospital |
Women’s Ambulatory Health Services |
our mission is to provide excellent care and be responsive to our community’s needs, we offer informed and dignified care for all our patients, regardless of their ability to pay. |
The Hospital of Central Connecticut |
Community Health Education: Breastfeeding Support Group |
The Hospital of Central Connecticut Family BirthPlace weekly support group for women who are breast feeding and/or providing breast milk as their baby’s primary food source. |
L+M Hospital |
Nurturing Families Program |
The state-wide program engages and supports parents before their first child is born through home visits, group-based parent education, information and other support. |
Middlesex Health |
Pregnant with Possibilities |
Partnership with the Ministerial Health Fellowship Pregnant with Possibilities Doula program to increase access to prenatal and postnatal doula services for Black, Indigenous and Latina women. |
Middlesex Health |
Middlesex County Perinatal Health Collaborative |
Care plans for coordinated wrap-around services in partnership with community agencies for vulnerable mothers and families to provide the best outcomes possible are developed and implemented. |
Middlesex Health |
Prenatal and Beyond Program – Beit Paley Center for Mental Health |
Provides: 1) Perinatal Case Management: social work services provided to prenatal, postpartum birthing persons and the Pregnancy and Birth Center; 93% of participants gave birth to infants weighing at or above 5 lbs 8 ozs and 81% were connected with 2 or more resources; 2) Child First: a free of charge home-visiting, and mental health intervention program that works with caregivers and their children, prenatal through age five, to protect and heal from trauma and adversity; 3) Parenting Support Services (PSS): Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) / Circle of Security (COS) are in home, parenting support services that provides both Triple P (an evidence-based parenting curriculum that involves a thorough assessment of parent-child interaction and helps to supply parents with strategies for a broad range of target behaviors) and Circle of Security (attachment based curriculum where parents learn how their relationship with their child shapes their development and behavior, as well as gain a new perspective on their child’s needs); 4) Early Head Start: a free, home-visiting program that offers services to expectant mothers and families with infants and toddlers up to age three across Middlesex County. The EHS program offers guidance and support in areas of early childhood care and education, behavioral health, family development, infant mental health, child disabilities, general health, well-being, and nutrition, and access to social and community services; 5) Healthy Futures: In home early childhood program, working with families prenatal to age 6. Uses Parents as Teachers (PAT) curriculum to support parents in interacting with their child in their developmental stage. Tracks developmental milestones, provides psychoeducation and supports overall family well being; 6) Maternal Child Health On-Call Coverage services: provides on-call assistance for families from Middlesex Health’s Pregnancy & Birth Center who are in need of support services and resources. |
Middlesex Health |
Diaper Connections |
Individuals from the Beit Paley Center for Mental Health Prenatal and Beyond home visiting program who screened positive for diaper need for children age 3 and under were provided supplemental diapers free of charge through the Diaper Connections program. |
Middlesex Health |
Postpartum Support Group |
The bi-weekly Mothers Postpartum Support Group, facilitated by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, was provided. The purpose of the group is to give mothers an opportunity to come together in a safe space in order to share, connect, and realize that they are not alone in their experience of being a mom. There is no cost for participation. |
Middlesex Health |
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) |
The regional Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is provided by Middlesex Health for eligible women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk. The WIC program includes access to nutritious foods to supplement diets, breastfeeding promotion, information on healthy eating and health care referrals. The program is available for pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women and their children up to age 5. |
Middlesex Health |
Family Medicine Residency OB Clinic at the Community Health Center, Inc. |
The Middlesex Health Family Medicine Residency Program provides Family Medicine Residency faculty members and residents to staff the Community Health Center, Inc. OB clinic. The Middlesex Health Family Medicine Residency Program staffs four half-day clinic sessions weekly at CHC – three in Middletown and one in Clinton. Middlesex Health is not compensated for this service. |
Middlesex Health |
Breastfeeding Support Group |
The Breastfeeding Support Group meets weekly and is facilitated by a lactation consultant. The support group provides breastfeeding support and information and the opportunity for members to share challenges and solutions with other new parents. There is no cost for participation. |
Norwalk Hospital |
Diaper Distribution Program |
Diapers distributed to families in need at hospital discharge with referral to outpatient/community partners for monthly distribution thereafter. |
St. Vincent’s Medical Center |
Family Bridge Program |
Addresses barriers to care by offering nurse home visiting services to all families, as well as support from a community health worker, to provide new parents with education and referrals to resources that they may need. |
St. Vincent’s Medical Center |
Pediatric Care at Medical Mission |
Provide free pediatric care at Medical Mission through our partnership with Connecticut Children’s Medical Center (CCMC) since 2022. |
Sharon Hospital |
Diaper Distribution Programs |
Diapers distributed to families in need at hospital discharge with referral to outpatient/community partners for monthly distribution thereafter |
Stamford Health |
Advocate for expansion of HUSKY for Immigrants |
Lobbied to expand coverage for pregnant women and new mothers and their babies from 12 months to 18-24 months and for children who enroll before their 19th birthday through age 26. |
Stamford Health |
Coordinate enrollment of eligible immigrant women and children |
Stamford Health organizes the attendance of CHWs from local FQHCs who speak to over 600 participants, mostly immigrants, who enroll eligible women and children into HUSKY for immigrants. We also coordinate the efforts of numerous other organizations and explain to all how to access primary and preventative care. |
Trinity Health Of New England |
#Day43 – Black Maternal Health in Waterbury |
#Day43 aims to combat Black maternal mortality and support equitable environments for all women and birthing people by raising awareness and transforming systems through training, research, technical assistance, policy, advocacy, and community-centered collaboration in Waterbury. |
Trinity Health Of New England |
Joan C. Dauber Food Bank — Diaper Distribution |
In partnership with the Diaper Bank of Connecticut, the Joan C. Dauber Food Pantry at Saint Francis serves families with children under three by providing free diapers to over 200 families each month. |
Trinity Health Of New England |
Johnson Memorial Hospitals’ Diaper Drive |
Colleagues at Johnson Memorial Hospital donated diapers and wipes to the Stafford Family Resource Center and Stafford Social Services in an annual collection effort. |
Waterbury HEALTH |
Newborn Care Classes |
Focus is to help the family become more comfortable with newborn care in the first few days and weeks including soothing a crying baby, baths, skin care, feeding, newborn massage and when to call the provider. |
Waterbury HEALTH |
Breastfeeding Classes |
Covers basics such as establishing a supply, latching baby, signs of sufficient intake, and more. Support persons are welcome to attend. |
Waterbury HEALTH |
Childbirth Bootcamp |
Walk through the process of labor and birth in a way that increases confidence and lessons anxiety about the birthing process. |
Yale New Haven Hospital |
Regional Lead Treatment Center (one of two in CT) |
A medical treatment and social service program that provides comprehensive care to lead poisoned children and their families. |
Yale New Haven Hospital |
Project Mother Care |
Project Mothercare connects pregnant and postpartum patients with services designed to meet their unique healthcare needs. Services include postpartum blood pressure monitoring and prenatal counseling for patients with opioid use. |
Yale New Haven Hospital |
Women’s, Infants, & Children’s (WIC) |
WIC is the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, providing nutritious food such as milk; cheese; eggs; fruit juice; dried beans or peas; peanut butter; whole grain bread, pasta and tortillas; brown rice; fruits; vegetables; iron-fortified cereals; and iron-fortified infant formula. |
Yale New Haven Hospital |
Women’s, Infants, & Children’s (WIC) Breastfeeding Support Program |
WIC provides nutrition education and breastfeeding support through individual counseling and group classes. |
Yale New Haven Hospital |
Yale New Haven Hospital (YNHH) Medical-Legal Partnership Project (MLPP) |
The mission of the YNHH- Center for Children’s Advocacy MLPP is to address the health inequities borne by vulnerable children and youth, exacerbated by race and ethnicity, to improve health outcomes through interdisciplinary collaboration in the healthcare setting. |
Yale New Haven Hospital |
Child Passenger Safety (CPS) |
Our CPS program is available to all of our delivery networks and provides both education to staff and parents as well as free appointment-based car seat checks for parents and caregivers. |
Yale New Haven Hospital |
Bike Safety/Helmets |
Our team participates in bike and helmet safety events statewide. This is often a collaborative effort with police departments and community safety committees or commissions. The program regularly supports these events by providing helmets and properly fitting them to the recipients. We continue to collaborate with and assist community organizations promoting the use of helmets for skateboarders as well. In the coming year the center plans to work on E-Scooter and E-Bike safety messaging. |