HB 6186, An Act Concerning Medical Records Pertaining To Prenatal Care And Mandated Reports


Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Connecticut Hospital Association (CHA) appreciates this opportunity to submit testimony concerning HB 6186, An Act Concerning Medical Records Pertaining To Prenatal Care And Mandated Reports. CHA opposes the bill as drafted.

Connecticut hospitals and health systems care for patients, strengthen the state’s economy, and support vulnerable communities across the state. Every day, they work to improve healthcare access, affordability, and health equity. Even as they face ongoing challenges, hospitals provide world-class care to everyone who walks through their doors, regardless of their ability to pay. Hospitals also support an exemplary workforce as the largest collective employer in the state, contribute significantly to the state’s economy, and invest in their communities addressing social drivers of health.

HB 6186 requires that 17a-101d of the General Statutes be amended to specify that a mandated reporter making a report to the commissioner of the Department of Children and Families (DCF) shall not include in such report medical records pertaining to prenatal care received by the mother of the child who is the subject of such report.

HB 6186 introduces a significant level of uncertainty into statutory child abuse and neglect reporting obligations. HB 6186 proposes to amend 17a-101d, but does not detail how the proposed changes will be coordinated with the various other requirements on mandated reporters throughout the chapter. As drafted, HB 6186 will conflict with or significantly confuse protections, obligations, and processes set forth in Sections 17a-101e, 17a-102b, 17a-103e, and 17a-106a.

CHA urges the Committee not to make a statutory change that would confuse existing requirements for mandated reporters detailing how to carry out their obligations found in Chapter 319a.

CHA stands ready to work with the Committee, and DCF, to address the concerns raised by HB 6186.

Thank you for your consideration of our position. For additional information, contact CHA Government Relations at (203) 294-7301.