Recognizing Patient Safety Awareness Week

Connecticut healthcare providers’ top priority has always been to provide the safest, highest quality care.  We lead the nation in patient safety because of it.  During Patient Safety Awareness Week, Connecticut hospitals and health systems highlight ongoing initiatives to prioritize safety and reaffirm their commitment to continuous improvement.

Through HRO Forward, hospitals are elevating efforts that began in 2012, when the Connecticut Hospital Association (CHA) implemented a first-in-the-nation statewide initiative to adopt high reliability principles.  The state’s exceptional healthcare professionals are driving this progress every day, working together to analyze current practices, eliminate preventable harm, and establish mitigation measures.  They are engaging in extensive training to learn about the latest innovations in safety science and implementing collaborative strategies to continue elevating the quality and safety of care in Connecticut healthcare settings.

This collective and intensive work advances Connecticut hospitals’ and health systems’ role as national leaders in quality and safety.  It continues to move our state forward in efforts to support an exceptional workforce and promote safe, high-quality care for Connecticut communities.

Click here to learn more about Connecticut hospitals’ and health systems’ commitment to patient safety.