Access and Coverage

As a result of chronic and substantial hospital underfunding at both the state and federal levels, access to healthcare services and health insurance coverage continue to be serious, unresolved healthcare challenges in Connecticut.  As of December 2015:

  • Nearly 211,000 of Connecticut's non-elderly population, about 6% of Connecticut's population, do not have health insurance coverage. (Source: U.S. Census Bureau)
  • Another 724,000 residents have health insurance coverage through the state's Medicaid program, which should ensure them access to healthcare services but doesn't. (Source: Department of Social Services)

Primary goals of CHA's advocacy mission are to ensure a strong, viable hospital system, which in turn will improve access to healthcare services; reduce the number of uninsured individuals; expand mental health services; and address ED overcrowding.

Position Statement

Hospitals and Mental Health

Hospitals and Substance Use Treatment

Mental Health Services: Increasing Need and Diminishing Resources

Resources and Links

Kaiser State Health Facts

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Cover the Uninsured

Connecticut Voices for Children